Most Complimented Thing You Own Guarantee! ✨
September 08, 2023
Hi guys! Welcome back to another week's episode!
Are you feeling judged by the people around you? Does it feel like you can't get a break from the incessant belittling comments and jabs? Feels super sucky... right? But wait... what if you were able realize that people aren't judging you, you're judging yourself. Seems backwards... I know! But making this realization will change your life!
In this episode we are discussing exactly how we can make this realization. This realization will allow you to overcome the sucky feeling of judgement. We discuss the fundamental fact that feeling self conscious about what others think of you is a direct reflection of how you think of yourself. People who are doing better than you in life will never call you down. It is important that you learn confidence and authenticity to life a fulfilled life. We offer the practical steps to making this your reality!
Tune in!
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August 25, 2023
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August 11, 2023