Your mind, body, and spirit are all connected. Your body & spirit are just as important as your mind when it comes to your mental health. When I meet with people expressing concerns for their mental health, I first ask about their three fundamental physical needs: exercise, nutrition, and sleep. Nothing will compensate for an unhealthy lifestyle. Living a therapeutic lifestyle means that not only are you bettering yourself mentally through therapy, but taking care of yourself physically. Let’s dive into each component individually.
It is no secret that we as humans love control. Why? It is a primal instinct. Our minds love comfort. In fact our minds are wired to perceive and protect. It gives us a sense of predictability or safety. We love to be in control because then we know the outcome.
We have all been here, right? The thought has run through our head - “I don’t need to go to therapy… nothing traumatic or severe has happened in my life.” We have gotten this all wrong! Therapy is for everyone. No matter who you are, you can benefit from going to therapy.
Panic attacks stem from various places. There is not one root cause for every person. The commonality between all panic attacks, however, is that it stems from the compounding of anxiety. You experience situation X. You immediately respond with anxiety to that situation. As the anxiety compounds, physical symptoms begin to manifest and you catastrophize the anxiety you are feeling. The situation worsens until you enter a full blown panic attack.
Have you ever tried meditation? How did it go? You’ve heard all about the benefits from engaging in a consistent meditation practice, right? Meditation is wonderful & we believe that everyone can benefit from it. Let's dive into our 5 best tips to make your meditation more effective and enjoyable.
Overwhelm can manifest itself in a variety of ways. You are feeling more irritable towards your kids or spouse. You feel that you can’t concentrate on a task. You’re having trouble making decisions, etc. Whatever you’re experiencing, you’re feeling overwhelmed. The first step into processing your overwhelm is diagnosing what type of overwhelm it is. Let’s dive into the 2 types of overwhelm and how you can overcome each one.
Building self-confidence is not easy. Confidence can’t be built overnight but comes through a consistent effort over a long period of time. It is important that you set goals in self-confidence in order to grow into the person you want to become. There are 3 major areas to set goals in for to build self confidence. These areas are called the 3 C’s: courage, competence, and self-compassion. By setting goals in each of these areas, you will be able to build strong self-confidence and become the person you are meant to be.
Think of your negative thoughts in two parts. Just as Dr. Seuss has thing one and thing two, anxiety is very similar. Anxiety has anxiety one and anxiety two. Anxiety one is your automatic, knee jerk reaction. We call this an automatic thought.
94% of us believe that we can prevent suicide. That is huge. We need one another. We are social creatures. We thrive off and need connection. The first thing is to decrease the stigma around suicide. Check in on your people, and don’t be afraid to really ask them how they are doing.
Here are 6 things your therapist wants you to know. Most importantly, we are there for you. We care for you. We believe in you. We want the best for you. We are excited and happy you are here.
The four horsemen are the four most common conflict points in arguments and disagreements which are hurting your relationship. In fact, these four horsemen are the predictors of divorce and break-ups. Let’s learn what they are, how they are showing up in your relationship, and what the antidotes are.
Study after study has shown that gratitude can drastically improve your mental health. Studies have shown that it can increase your sleep quality, while also decreasing your anxiety and depression. It has been proven that gratitude helps with inflammation and overall mood. Gratitude can literally unshackle your brain from toxic emotions.